Saturday, May 31, 2008

Upcoming Event: Breaking Dawn Release

Upcoming Event: Breaking Dawn Release

Breaking Dawn is the fourth installment in the Twilight Saga, an incredibaly popular series by Stephanie Myer. It is set to be released on August 6th. Here is the Breaking Dawn page on Stephanie Meyer's website. The first chapter can be found in the back of Eclipse Special Edition, and here.

I am very excited for this book, and I hope that Meyer will tie everything up well, which seems to be what many authors writing a series struggle with. We'll have to see!


Anonymous said...

OMG! That is the cover? I have been so excited to see the cover. I can't wait to read the book. Did you know that Stephanie Meyer said it is inspired by a Midsummer Night's Dream? I can't wait to see.

Raechel said...

That is the offical cover. I was excited to see it too. It could mean so much. I did know that Meyer said that about Breaking Dawn. I think it might have something to do with the imprinting process with the werewolves. We'll have to wait and see. Thanks for leaving us a comment!

Sarah said...

I know exactly how you feel! I'm soo excited for this book; i can't even wait. : )
I didn't know it was based on Midsummer Night's dream... that's really interesting. have ou ever read that or seen the play/film? It'll be interesting to see how that story line ties into to breaking dawn. It probably has something to do with the various love triangles going on. lol.
thanks for the comment.